Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wildcat Wiki

That was going to be my first idea for a wiki, and then I figured I really didn't want to look up a bunch of UK or Wildcat stats as a beginning...nor did I want opponents trashing the place since this is a new thing. So I opted for a work wiki for ILL which I thought might help as we update to 7.2 in ILLiad. So far, since we haven't updated yet and I'm not real sure what to start with, it's a pretty empty wiki. Part of the problem seems to be my resistance to info collection that might not be correct. Something like this might be a breaking point for the OCD nature of librarians.

My only beef with the wiki world seems to be an isolated nature of pbwiki that does not make the newly created pages all that easy to access once they have been added. I keep hoping for a bold or eye-catching menu but only see my new pages under recently edited pages or when I click to see all pages....some main menu from the home page listing the other pages would seem to improve usability if you are switching back and forth or accessing a lot of pages. Otherwise the experience was easy, just a bit awkward since I read wikis but rarely contribute. I will definitely keep this in mind when we have group projects.

P.S. An added note about the rss feeds....thanks to anonymous "winter blues" Crovo for reminding us about Outlook 2007 feeds already on our sidebar. I had looked at these and deleted what I didn't like but didn't realize how easy it was to add your favs to this feed instead of exception: I did have a weather blog that was added yet Outlook does not update or pull in any new posts. Bloglines treated this feed fine, but Outlook had trouble....again, maybe I just need to look at settings...just an fyi.

Happy Wiki Wednesday! (Sorry, couldn't resist)

1 comment:

Stacey Greenwell said...

I've been using Outlook's RSS reader too but it doesn't handle some feeds very well. I personally don't like the way some feeds display, either. I ultimately went with Bloglines because it does more (the package tracking is awesome) and is pretty easy to use. I keep a bunch of windows open in tabs all day anyway, so I just add Bloglines to that set of tabs. Works well for me, but do whatever works well for you. No matter which feed reader you use, it's a great technology and can save you loads of time.